25 September

On September 10 and 11, the third edition of the International Conference on Social Responsibility 2015 (CIRS, in Spanish) was carried out in the city of Buenos Aires. Under the motto “Responsible federalism focused on employability,” the event included a rich array of world-renowned panelists with a remarkable knowledge of issues related to social responsibility.

The former President of the Federative Republic of Brazil, Mr. Luiz Inacio “Lula” Da Silva, was present this time together with two Nobel Peace Prize laureates: Dr. Rigoberta Menchu Tum, the Guatemalan indigenous leader who was awarded the prize in 1992 for her work in defense of human rights, and Dr. Kailash Satyarthi, the Indian children’s rights advocate who won the prize in 2014. Other leading representatives, such as Dr. Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace and well-known environmentalist leader, also participated.

The CIRS is organized by the Foundation for Corporate Social Responsibility (FORS, in Spanish) and by FONRES S.A. (a company working in the field of social responsibility), in cooperation with the University of Buenos Aires, the La Plata Regional School of the National Technological University, and the Higher Institute for Public Management Control dependent on the Argentine General Accounting Office.

The event was sponsored by INVAP S.E. (Argentine state-owned applied research company) and other companies. On this occasion, it took place under the auspices ot the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO, in Spanish), the United Nations Development Program (PNUD, in Spanish), the Argentine Global Compact Network, the System of the United Nations for Argentina and the Center for Higher Education Studies (CAEU, in Spanish) of the Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI, in Spanish).

The aim of the meeting has been to bring together managers and directors of private companies as well as leaders of civil society institutions, labor unions, cooperatives, universities and governmental agencies to reflect, discuss and boost joint initiatives. It also sought to facilitate the exchange of ideas among the social actors in the sector, who were present with booths especially designed to promote their activities and experiences.

International Conference on Social Responsibility 2015