25 August

On August 20 and 21, the Seventh International Conference “Bolivia Gas and Energy 2014” was held in Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia), with the aim of discussing the future of oil, gas and other resources in the context of the energy globalization. Apart from 80 companies and internationally recognized lecturers, the event was attended by important authorities of energy industry. The Conference that lasted two days and included about twenty lecturers convened approximately 600 participants, most of which there were executives and representatives from different private firms.

The aim of the Seventh Conference was to contribute to the analysis and debate on the local, regional and world energy situation by dealing with issues such as nuclear energy, shale gas, energy efficiency, global tendencies in oil and gas production, energy reform in Mexico and other countries in the region, geothermal energy, new drilling technologies and programs, and investments made by the Bolivian government in the energy sector, among others.

In the context of this event, INVAP S.E. (Argentine state-owned applied research company) participated in the panel entitled “Experiences in nuclear development”. The lecture about “Development of the nuclear technology and nuclear electricity” was delivered by the Engineer Viviana Ishida, responsible of the Nuclear Plant Area, and Lic. Juan José Gil Gerbino, Chief Technology Officer, while Dr. Leonardo Sobehart, from the Nuclear Project Division, expounded on “Regulatory aspects of Bolivian nuclear development.”

The Vice-president of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Lic. Álvaro García Linera, was in charge of the closing speech. He ratified that Bolivia is going to implement a nuclear energy program for peaceful purposes, and stated that the country is technically, scientifically and morally obliged to acquire this knowledge and take advantage of the forces of nature for the benefit of its citizens.

Bolivia Gas and Energy 2014