12 May

The third Argentine School of GPGPU Computing for Scientific Applications was held from May 5 to 9, at the facilities of the Bariloche Atomic Center (CAB, in Spanish) and Balseiro Institute (IB, in Spanish). The event was carried out with the support of the National Commission of Atomic Energy –dependent on the Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services–, the Balseiro Institute (National University of Cuyo), the School of Mathematics, Astronomy and Physics (National University of Córdoba), the National Scientific and Technical Research Council, the National System of High Performance Computing of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation, and the companies NVIDIA and INVAP S.E.

The aim of the meeting was to gather researchers, teachers, students and the staff of companies related to science and technology that would be interested in the development and optimization of applications in GPGPUs.

The Argentine School of GPGPU Computing for Scientific Applications is a training initiative whose purpose is to promote the use of High Performance Computing Graphics Processing Unit tools (GPU, in English).

The activities carried out during the third Argentine School of GPGPU included basic and advanced courses and applications, discussions of high performance computing users and developers (HPC, High Performance Computing). Likewise, the participants could ask questions at the ‘help desk’ which consisted of a group of teachers: Dr. Massimo Bernaschi (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Sapienza University, Italy), Dr. Anders Eklund (Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute, USA), Dr. Pablo Ezzatti (University of the Republic, Uruguay), Dr. Andreas Kloeckner (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA), Dr. Eduardo Bringa (Basic Sciences Institute, National University of Cuyo, Argentina) and Lic. Carlos Bederián (School of Mathematics, Astronomy and Physics, National University of Córdoba, Argentina). Besides, INVAP participated giving a presentation on signal processing and its implementation by using GPUs in weather radars, which was delivered by the Engineers Nicolás Morini and Luis Remis from the Modeling group of INVAP S.E.’s Aerospace Management.

3EAGPGPU (Centro Atómico Bariloche)