16 May

On May 8 and 9, a second workshop on this subject entitled “Warning Systems, Integration of Monitoring and Radar Provision Networks in the Río de la Plata Basin” was held in Asunción, Paraguay. The main goal of the meeting was to determine the legal conditions and technological requirements to succeed in integrating the monitoring systems in the Basin. For this purpose, Directors of the meteorological and hydrological services of Río de la Plata Basin and operators of hydroelectric plants and regional monitoring centers participated in the event.

The objectives of the meeting included to acknowledge the current state of the meteorological and hydrological monitoring systems of each member country; to know the plans to expand the hydro-meteorological monitoring networks of the Basin countries that are members of the Intergovernmental Coordinator Committee (CIC, in Spanish); to be aware of the different regional initiatives aimed at the integration of monitoring networks; and, finally, to establish a technical unit and the guidelines for projects aimed at reinforcing the telemetric network and installing meteorological radars in the Basin.

As regard this last point, Lic. Ricardo Sagarzazu, Vice President of Strategic Developments of INVAP S.E. (Argentine state-owned applied research company), together with Lic. Gustavo Cabrera, Chief Project of its Aerospace Management, took part as lecturers and presented the radar provision projects that are presently carried out in the technological company.