3 April

From March 30 to April 1 2016, the fourth edition of the Nuclear Security Summit was held in Washington DC. The President of the Argentine Nation, Engineer Mauricio Macri, was present together with presidents and secretaries of state of about 50 countries with the aim of developing a global nuclear security architecture to adopt measures that prevent the use of nuclear and radioactive materials for terrorist ends.

At the same time, in the context of this event, the Nuclear Security Summit 2016 took place. It included the participation of world-wide leading organizations of the industry with the aim of enhancing and ensuring nuclear physical security.

Lic. Norma Boero, President of the Argentine National Commission of Atomic Energy (CNEA, in Spanish) was present as part of the Argentine delegation together with Lic. Héctor Otheguy, General Manager & CEO of INVAP S.E. (Argentine state-owned applied research company); Engineer Juan Pablo Ordoñez, its Deputy General Manager, and Lic. Juan José Gil Gerbino, its Chief Technology Officer.

In this context, on March 31, CNEA and INVAP were presented with an award by the Nuclear Energy Institute for their nuclear security achievements. In particular, Argentina was specially recognized by the work carried out to supply low-enriched uranium targets for the Mo-99 production and promote this technological development worldwide. INVAP’s turnkey exportations to Egypt and Australia are a case in point.

Apart from the representatives from CNEA and INVAP, the award ceremony was attended by the Secretary of State, Engineer Susana Malcorra; the Minister of Energy and Mining, Engineer Juan José Aranguren; the Sherpa Lic. Roberto García Moritán; the Deputy Secretary of Nuclear Energy, Lic. Julián Gadano; and the President of the Nuclear Suppliers Group, Dr. Rafael Grossi.

The Nuclear Industry Summit deals with the safe use, transport and storage of nuclear and radiological materials, the role of the nuclear industry globally and the management of the cyber threats with the aim of preventing nuclear terrorism worldwide. Through this summit, the international community intends to encourage multilateral legal organizations, institutions and instruments, ensuring greater coordination between them in relation to the security and taking on new commitments to reduce terrorism threats.

Nuclear Security Summit 2016