11 May

Yesterday, INVAP obtained the highest recognition in the context of the VIII Award for Excellence in Export granted by La Nación newspaper together with Banco Galicia, which rewards national companies deeply involved in the integration of Argentina to the global market. 

First, the province of Río Negro company was selected in one of the six awarded categories entitled “Going out into the world.” Then INVAP, represented by its General Manager, Dr. Vicente Campenni, received the golden award for Excellence in Export.

INVAP had been nominated on account of three important technological export contracts completed in the last months: those related to the Pallas reactor in the Netherlands, the RMB reactor in Brazil and the Nuclear Medicine Centers in Bolivia. In 2005, it had already won La Nación TCA Award for the most innovative technological export: the OPAL reactor sold to Australia.

During the ceremony, Dr. Campenni remarked: “The common factor among us, the winners of this prize, has been the passion for one’s own work, which is also related to the desire that our country be recognized all over the world as it deserves.”

Members of the jury were Bernardo Kosacoff, Professor of Di Tella University and President of the National Production Council; Fabián Kon, CEO of Banco Galicia; Dante Sica, Director of the consulting firm Abeceb; Enrique Mantilla, President of the Chamber of Exporters of the Argentine Republic (CERA, in Spanish); Marcelo Elizondo, Director of the consulting firm DNI; and José Del Rio, General Secretary of the Editorial Department of La Nación newspaper.

It is important to point out that these achievements, which are not only INVAP´s but our country´s, were possible thanks to a policy of permanent support to science and technology, which encourages national development, promoting the intellectual capability that is Argentinians´ best asset. 

Successes like these reaffirm that international competitiveness as regards technology is the result of decades of work along the same line, based on medium and long term strategic programs.

In this respect, it is worth mentioning the constant collaboration of the National Commission of Atomic Energy (CNEA, in Spanish) clearly reflected in its participation in the three exports for which INVAP has won. 

Finally, INVAP wants to thank the National Government, as well as that of the province of Río Negro through its legislature and the Governor himself, Mr. Alberto Weretilneck, for their support and guarantees provided for the completion of international contracts.