14 February

The Regular General Meeting, in which the resignation for personal reasons of the Permanent Director Soledad Gonnet was accepted, and Daniel Sanguinetti was appointed in her place as Director and Vice-President, was held on February 10, 2022.

Present at the meeting were the Governor of the Province of Río Negro, Arabela Carreras; the Minister of Economy of the Province of Río Negro, Luis Vaisberg; the President of the Argentine National Commission of Atomic Energy (CNEA, in Spanish), Adriana Serquis; INVAP’s President, Hugo Albani; its Directors Hugo Brendstrup, Alberto Baruj, Verónica Garea and Luis Billinger Mancioli; the Trustees, Carlos Gardella, Aurelia Schepis and Christian Etchevarne; the General Manager, Vicente Campenni; and the General Deputy Managers, Carlos Montenegro and Marcelo Basigalup.

As regards the new appointment of authorities, the Board of Directors was composed as follows: Permanent Directors Lic. Hugo Albani (President) and Industrial Designer Daniel Sanguinetti (Vice-President), Dr. Adriana Cristina Serquis, Dr. Verónica Beatriz Garea, Engineer Hugo Brendstrup, Dr. Alberto Leonardo Baruj and Technician Luis Enrique Billinger Mancioli; and Deputy Directors, Lic. Bibiana Cruz, Lic. Eduardo Francisco Santos, Dr. Alberto Lamagna, Dr. Diego Fabián Hurtado Mendoza and Engineer Christian Oscar Tisot.