4 June

On June 2-3, ADIMRA, the Argentine Association of Metal Industries held in Buenos Aires the Metallurgical Congress of the Bicentenary, a debate forum that gathered metallurgy businessmen, union leaders, experts and public officers to analyze the present of the metallurgy activity and to define the central axis of its future development.

One of the panels that caught most attention during the Congress was the one devoted to “Innovation and Technology, crucial factors in industrial competitiveness”.  Dr. Carlos León, Director-General of the Argentine Technological Fund (FONTAR) stated that “during 2008-2009 more than a third of all resources from the Fund where allocated to projects related to the metal sector”.  These words express the strong commitment of the Government to support the growth of the metallurgy activities.

Lic. Héctor Otheguy, General Manager of INVAP, was part of this panel.  He presented the four main areas of the company: Nuclear, Aerospace, Industrial and Medical Equipment. “We handle complex projects, developing high technology, with a fluid relationship with the whole national spectrum of science & technology”. Otheguy emphasized that, at present, there are laws to promote various different areas, and he also stressed the symbolic importance of the recently inaugurated Scientists Hall at the Casa Rosada (Government House), the rise in salaries and the reactivation of the national Nuclear Plan.”