7 May

Last April 23, Argentina and Russia signed an agreement to build a nuclear power plant in our country. In the context of the official visit to Moscow, the Argentine president, Dr. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, presided over the signing of both cooperation agreements on nuclear fuels and research between Argentina and Russia. The ceremony was also attended by the president of the National Commission of Atomic Energy, Lic. Norma Boero, INVAP’s General Manager, Lic. Héctor Otheguy, and the Minister of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services, Architect Julio De Vido, who underlined that “this proves to be a new stage not only for the nuclear relation with Russia, but also for the Argentine nuclear sector. After the important signing ceremony held in Beijing, to sign these agreements here and now clearly shows the Argentine multilateralism as regards nuclear and political issues.”

The first agreement –signed by the National Commission of Atomic Energy (CNEA, in Spanish) and the Russian company TVEL, which is a nuclear fuel producer and subsidiary company of Rosatom– consists in a memorandum of understanding to strengthen the bilateral cooperation, essentially in those areas related with the research and development of nuclear fuel for research and power reactors and zirconium materials and alloys.

The second agreement was signed by INVAP and TVEL. It is aimed at the technical cooperation between both companies and is particularly focused on the uranium metal supply that INVAP will use for national projects as well as those in which Argentine technology will be exported to other countries.

The meeting was also attended by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship, the Secretary of State Héctor Timerman, and the Argentine Ambassador in Russia, Pablo Tettamanti, among other members of the Argentine delegation.
On the Russian side, it was attended by TVEL’s Vice President and the signing authority of the agreements, Felix Abolenin, Rosatom’s Vice President and Business responsible for Latin America, Ivan Dybov, and TVEL’s Project Director of the Department of Business Development, Ivan Galata.

National Commission of Atomic Energy