7 May

This afternoon, a contract on the basic engineering of the Brazilian Multipurpose Research Reactor (RMB, in Spanish) was signed between Héctor Otheguy, M. Sc., General Manager of the INVAP (Applied Research Company) and Tito Ryff, Chief Operating Officer of Redetec (a Brazilian administrative body responsible for managing nuclear innovation resources). The official event was presided over by Prof. Angelo Fernando Padilha, Ph. D., President of the Brazilian National Council for Nuclear Energy, and the Argentine Ambassador in Brazil, Luis María Kreckler.

The joint project involves the development of two similar nuclear research reactors, the RMB in Brazil and the RA-10 in Argentina. It is in line with a longstanding commitment to nuclear cooperation between the two countries, which was reinforced by the Joint Declaration of 2008, signed by President Cristina Fernández and Brazil’s former President Lula Da Silva.

The project has been implemented through an agreement signed on January 2011 by the former President of the Brazilian National Commission for Nuclear Energy (CNEN, in Spanish) and the Argentine Minister of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services, Architect Julio De Vido, on behalf of the Argentine National Commission of Atomic Energy (CNEA, in Spanish). On that occasion, the event was presided over by the current Presidents of Brazil, Dilma Vana Rousseff, and of Argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.

The signing of this contract was another milestone in the technical cooperation between the INVAP and Brazil, which has already been a success thanks to the technological support of the Argentine National Space Activities Commission (CONAE, in Spanish) in the satellite system area, now extending to the nuclear area jointly with the CNEA.

+INFO: http://bit.ly/16QidoA