15 October

The World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS) from Austria, the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) from the United States
of America and INVAP from Argentina, will host the meeting called “Nuclear Security Summit – Side Event Meeting – The Role of the Private Sector in the Security of Nuclear Materials” to be held on 4th November, 2010, at Libertador Meeting Room within San Martín Palace in the City of Buenos Aires.

The event will take place after the International Sherpas Meeting from various countries, to be held in the days before, as a sequel of the “Nuclear Safety Summit” convened by the President of the United States, Barack Obama, in Washington in April this year.

Attendees, as well as all those interested in getting acquainted with this meeting, please refer to the enclosed “General Recommendations” and contact the following people:

Technical Aspects:

Eng. Marcelo Salvatore | e-mail: salvator@invap.com.ar

Logistics and organization:

Mrs. María José Errecaborde | e-mail: errecaborde@invap.com.ar
Miss Virginia Imhoff | e-mail: vimhoff@invap.com.ar

icon NUCLEAR SECURITY SUMMIT General Recommendations (38.99 kB)