5 November

Nuclear Security Summit – Side Event Meeting | Buenos Aires, November 3RD & 4TH, 2010

The World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS) from Austria, the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) from the United States of America and INVAP from Argentina, will host the meeting called “Nuclear Security Summit – Side Event Meeting – The Role of the Private Sector in the Security of Nuclear Materials” to be held on 3RD and 4th November, 2010, at Libertador Meeting Room within San Martín Palace in the City of Buenos Aires.

The event will take place after the International Sherpas Meeting from various countries, to be held in the days before, as a continuation of the “Nuclear Safety Summit” convened by the President of the United States, Barack Obama, in Washington in April this year.

Introduction and Purposes of the Meeting

Aside from the responsibility of National States in relation to the Nuclear Security Summit, the meeting held in Washington DC in April 2010 highlighted the role and importance of the industry in this challenge. The security of nuclear materials, nuclear facilities and the associated technologies against malicious employment while being the ultimate responsibility of the National Governments requires the effective aid of the involved nuclear industry.

We envision a continuation of the Industry Meeting hosted in Washington DC last April 2010 on the occasion of the Sherpa Meeting in Buenos Aires. In this case it will be co¬sponsored by INVAP as the Argentinean host and the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI¬USA) plus the World Institute of Nuclear Security (WINS), where industry representatives from around the world will show their will to fulfill our obligations towards nuclear security.

In this second round and in anticipation of the next Nuclear Security Summit to be held in the Republic of Korea in April 2012, the goal is to start discussing methods and valid approached that the nuclear industry would be willing to propose for acceptance and implementation by the time of the Seoul Conference.

In this regard, the proposal is for the industry to address and discuss potential methods and instruments that in a reactive and proactive way will help with nuclear security.

The meeting and the associated discussions are foreseen in such a way that:

a.    The industry will present views and proposal organized either by main activity in the fuel cycle or main line of action of the respective Company.

b.    The reviews and discussions are open to the Sherpas and Sub Sherpas that will be attending their meeting on November 2nd & 3rd in Buenos Aires. The Sherpas and Sub Sherpas are encouraged to attend and participate

c.    At the end of the sessions there will be a Panel Discussion where the Industry will highlight some proposals and address the Sherpas/Sub Sherpas with its perspective and offers of assistance.

The Participants are encouraged to provide views and position presentations on a conceptual level. Legal framework, technical challenges and hurdles, risks for the business, ethics and code of conducts, cost implications are all aspects to mention. Models or cases that could be used as leading references are important for the discussions.

The Participants are also encouraged to present practical approaches or measures implemented or, to be implemented to a larger extent, by the Community. The translation of industry practices and methods that have improved the safety, quality and costs of the nuclear industry to the nuclear security issue is a topic proposed for thorough discussion.

The program is expected to conclude with a summary of conclusions and recommendations.

Each Speaker and Presentation is expected to last 15 to 20 minutes in total with 3 to 5 minutes for questions included.


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