5 November

On November 3-4, a meeting called “Nuclear Security Summit – Side Event.  The role of the private sector in Nuclear Material Security” was held at the Libertadores Hall of the San Martin Palace in Buenos Aires.

Hosted by the World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS) of Austria, the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) of the USA and INVAP, this event took place within the frame of the international Sherpas (experts) Meeting that was held in the previous days as a sequel of the “National Security Summit” called by US President Barack Obama in last April.

The results were highly positive, to the extent that all participants agreed upon the need to take strong nuclear security measures in order to prevent terrorist groups and other people and non-authorized countries to have access to nuclear material.  Thus, they made an explicit commitment – within the framework of the Summit held in Washington DC, on April 13, 2010, to “adopt the best practices in Nuclear Material Physical Security for our operations, the international commerce of nuclear goods and services and to reinforce the culture of physical security in the nuclear area.”