15 September

On August 18, Dr. Fang Liu, General Secretary of the International Civil Aviation Organization (OACI, in Spanish), together with Mr. Franklin Hoyer, Regional Director of OACI Lima Office, visited INVAP’s headquarters in the city of San Carlos de Bariloche.

 The appointment of the United Nations officer was made in the context of her agenda of activities during her first visit to Argentina, and it was jointly organized with the National Civil Aviation Administration (ANAC, in Spanish) in Bariloche.

OACI’s authorities were accompanied by a delegation that included Accountant Pamela Suárez, President of the Civil Aviation Accident Investigation Agency (JIAAC, in Spanish); Mr. José Diribarne, Manager of the Airport of San Carlos de Bariloche on behalf of ANAC; Mr. Luis Gómez, Chief of Operations for the Regional Aviation Police. At INVAP S.E. (Argentine state-owned applied research company), they were welcomed by Mr. Horacio Osuna, President of the Board of Directors; Lic. Héctor Otheguy, General Manager & CEO; Engineer Juan Pablo Ordoñez, Deputy General Manager; Lic. Ricardo Sagarzazu, Vice-President of Strategic Development; Engineer Gustavo Cabrera, Engineer Danilo Giri and Engineer Oscar Bría, chiefs of the projects of the Government Projects Management; and Engineer Eduardo Rodríguez Lubary, Institutional and Commercial Relations Manager.

The guided visit was organized in two different tours. First, they visited the company’s headquarters, where they were briefed about INVAP’s most important achievements throughout its 40-year trajectory and about its development areas as regards the following fields: nuclear, space, government, industrial, alternative energies, information and communications technology (TICs, in Spanish) and technological services. Then, they toured INVAP’s radars facility at the airport of San Carlos de Bariloche, where technicians of the company explained some operational details.

Finally, Accountant Pamela Suarez, on behalf of JIAAC, and Lic. Héctor Otheguy, on behalf of INVAP, signed a Letter of Commitment in which both countries agreed to jointly carry out technological developments aimed at improving the operational safety standards of the country.

Civil Aviation Accident Investigation Agency