3 September

INVAP, the company of the province of Río Negro devoted to the design and building of complex technological systems, is celebrating today its 45th anniversary. Founded by a group of young people from the Argentine National Commission of Atomic Energy (CNEA, in Spanish), most of them graduated from the Balseiro Institute, INVAP has become a leading company in Argentina’s development and a reference in the field of technological projects worldwide.

INVAP grew relying on Argentinians’ grey matter, with the deep certainty that knowledge and talent, in a creative and multidisciplinary context, may have a multiplier effect on development, creating genuine sources of employment, generating foreign currency and mobilizing the productive system. During this period, the company carried out more than a thousand technological projects in different fields of industry, science and applied research, both to satisfy domestic needs and to enter the foreign markets through its exports.

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the company and as a tribute to its founding group, several activities will be held, among them a national Sculpture Contest with the purpose of selecting an artistic work to be purchased and installed at the company’s headquarters, in San Carlos de Bariloche.

The invitation is addressed to visual artists, who may submit their projects individually or collectively, to carry out a large sculpture work that reflects the founding members’ s spirit and the values they imprinted on the company, and that drive it into the future even today.

For more information about the contest, click HERE