17 May

INVAP General Manager and CEO, Héctor Otheguy, led a debate on “Science applied to technology developments” that took place at Gestar, an Institute for Political Studies and Educations belonging to the Justicialista Party.

Durante su exposición, Otheguy enfatizó la importancia de direccionar el poder de compra por parte del Estado hacia desarrollos nacionales al tiempo que afirmó que todo lo que hoy puede hacer INVAP está relacionado con una política estratégica en materia de investigación aplicada.

During his speech, Otheguy emphasized the importance of directing the State’s purchasing power towards national developments and pointed out that everything INVAP is currently able to do is directly related to strategic policies in applied science.

Since INVAP was founded, there has never been so much support for the science and technology complex than in the last few years. From laws aiming at promoting technology incorporation and repatriation of scientists to the creation of a specific Ministry: everything accounts for a State Policy”, noted Otheguy with respect to the National Government policies of President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.

Besides, INVAP General Manager stressed out that Rio Negro’s technology company is “the result of a concept that requires to banish colonialism from our minds; it is necessary to think that we are capable of doing this in Argentina and then start to work”. 

Participants in the debate were also Juan Manuel Moreira, Coordinator of Gestar; Carlos Amaya, INVAP General Management Consultant; Yanina Martínez, head of Casa de Catamarca; Roberto Arias, Coordinator of Social and Political Studies at Gestar and Pablo Salinas, Coordinator of Political Education at Gestar, among others.