22 April

On April 19, Mr. Santiago Peña Palacios, President of the Republic of Paraguay, visited INVAP’s headquarters in San Carlos de Bariloche. The President was accompanied by a delegation that included the First Lady, Arch. Leticia Ocampos; the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Amb. Rubén Ramírez Lezcano; the Minister of Industry and Commerce, Mr. Francisco Javier Giménez García de Zúñiga, and the Minister Legal Advisor, Mr. Fernando Fronciani.

At INVAP, he was welcomed by the Chairman of INVAP’s Board of Directors, Lic. Hugo Albani; Director, Dr. Federico Lutz; Deputy General Manager of Strategy, Eng. Ignacio Grossi; Deputy General Manager of Administration and Finance, Lic. Carlos Montenegro; and the Deputy General Manager of Processes and Systems, Eng. Sebastián Clasen.

After an introductory meeting in which the presidential delegation was briefed about INVAP’s almost 50 years, a tour of the facilities was conducted to show the capabilities of the Argentine company. Firstly, they visited the Conventional Integration Building, where they received information on INVAP’s current projects related to the Defense, Security and Environment fields.

They also visited the Satellite Integration Building, where they could observe the works carried out on the SABIA-Mar satellite, which will be ready for its launch mission in the last quarter of 2025. This is an earth observation mission primarily aimed at studying the sea and coastal areas, being an important source of data for ocean color research at regional level and a helpful contribution for international studies as a predictor of climate changes.

The visit of President Peña Palacios to INVAP was then concluded.