9 July

The Industry and Technology Division of the Argentine Physics Association (AFA, in Spanish) issued a call for the “Prize for the innovative technological industry-oriented development,” aimed at acknowledging an outstanding and innovative research work and/or technological development.

INVAP together with other companies and organizations contributes to the prize, which is aimed at works carried out in the country that, involving physics, provide real solutions to problems especially related to the local industry. It involves a certificate and the economic support of 40.000 and 8.000 Argentine pesos for the first and second winners respectively to be freely used. The winners should expound about their project at a conference in the National Meeting on Physics, during which the prizes will be awarded.

Documentation can be sent until 12 a.m. on June 30 2016 at secretaria@fisica.org.ar

Find the terms and conditions on: http://bit.ly/29jZ3RP

Argentine Physics Association