4 April

In the framework of a collaborative relationship established along the past years between the BICE (Bank of Investment and Foreign Trade) and the China Development Bank of Development, officials of both organizations visited INVAP headquarters in San Carlos de Bariloche.

Juan Casal, Chief of Staff of the Commercial Department, participated on behalf of BICE and Mrs. Cheng Xiaoping, General Deputy Director and Leader of the Argentine team, Mr. Yang Guang, Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Gao, all members of the work force in Argentina, participated on behalf of the Chinese bank.

During the visit, the officials were hosted by Hugo Brendstrup, INVAP Industrial and Alternative Energy Project manager, Tulio Calderon, Government and Aerospace Project Manager, Ana Cabrera, from the Finance & Management Division and Hugo Jaufmann, Head of the Strategies, Programs and Initiatives Area of the Government and Aerospace Projects Division, who explained the different lines of business of the company.


Banco de Inversión y Comercio Exterior (BICE)