7 June

On June 5, a contract was signed with the National Ministry of Transport and the Argentine Air Navigation Company (AESA, in Spanish) for the supply, installation and implementation of three new radars of the primary with associated secondary radar type, which will be located at the airports of Buenos Aires Terminal Area (TMA Baires, in Spanish), Córdoba and Mendoza. 

Lic. Guillermo Dietrich, National Ministry of Transport; Engineer Gabriel Giannotti, President and General Manager of EANA; and Dr. Vicente Campenni, INVAP’s General Manager, were present at the signing.   

The new PSR + MSSR radar systems incorporate latest technology for civil aeronautics surveillance. Among their functions are the so called operating modes S and ADS-B operating modes, which will increase the current control capacity. They will also provide constantly updated meteorological information to controllers.

The new radars of Córdoba and TMA Baires are expected to be operational in the second half of 2020, and that of Mendoza in the first semester of 2021. The contract includes the installation and start-up of each radar and its associated systems and services, operational staff training, 24-month maintenance and a five-year- technical warranty.

With this new agreement, we contribute our expertise, experience and technological capability to provide greater operational safety for air traffic in our country in an area where more than 30 million people travel each year.