9 November

On November 7, at the National Congress, the first Special Award on Scientific Value was given by the Argentine Senate to thirty six organizations, research teams and scientists of our country whose work on developing and promoting science, technology and productive innovation has been outstanding.

Engineers Ignacio Grossi, Javier Chielenes and Ana Caumo of INVAP S.E., together with Engineers Andrés Rodríguez and Mariano García Gattino of ARSAT S.A. received this award as representatives of the ARSAT 1 and 2 project teams. The recognition was promoted by Dr. Magdalena Odarda, Senator from the Province of Río Negro, and in the case of Engineer Ana Caumo, by Prof.Norma Haydée Durango, Senator from the Province of La Pampa.

The ceremony was attended by the President of the Board of Directors, Lic. Héctor Otheguy, and the Director Eng. Christian Tisot, on behalf of our company; and by Eng. Sebastián Clasen as representative of the Bondholders Association (ATB, in Spanish). 

The aim of the award is to acknowledge, highlight and make known throughout the country the work of people whose contribution to the national scientific and technological sector has consolidated an innovative vision that favors Argentina’s strategic development.

We congratulate all members of INVAP for this important award.

Honorable Argentine Senate