27 February

Today, in San Carlos de Bariloche, the Governor of the Province of Río Negro, Alberto Weretilneck, welcomed the US ambassador in Argentina, Noah Mamet, and the Head of NASA, Administrator Charles F. Bolden Jr., who made and official visit to INVAP S.E. (Argentine state-owned applied research company).

The provincial Minister of Economy, Alejandro Palmieri, and the President of the Board of Directors of INVAP S.E., Horacio Osuna, and its General Manager, Héctor Otheguy, were present as part of the delegation. Likewise, the meeting was attended by authorities of the US Embassy, NASA and the state-owned company of the Province of Río Negro.

In that context, Weretilneck highlighted “the institutional relevance of the NASA’s main leader visit to INVAP. This can be translated into a close connection between the aerospace projects of both companies. It is an excellent opportunity. Moreover, it is a great chance for the professionals working at INVAP to contact a global example with such an extensive resume and outstanding academic background.”

He also mentioned the visit of the Ambassador Noah Mamet who “at all times showed interest not only in INVAP’s achievements but also in the Province of Río Negro; and highlighted its similarities with California, his homeland.”

At midday, the US authorities arrived at the local airport where they were welcomed by the Governor and INVAP’s officials. Then, the delegation went straight to the company’s facilities. Once there, they toured the Satellite Integration Building (EISA, in Spanish) and the Hi-Tech Test Center (CEATSA, in Spanish). After INVAP gave its institutional presentation, official photographs were taken and some gifts were given. To end the meeting, the administrator of NASA delivered a lecture to the young engineers of the company. He emphasized the synergistic importance of the investments in Science and Technology in general made by countries. He also gave details about space missions undertaken by NASA and the work carried out by the International Space Station.

Bolden was interested at all times in the Scientific Applications Satellites (SAC/SAOCOM, in Spanish) as well as the projects of communication satellites (ARSAT-1, 2 and Nueva Generación) developed by INVAP for the Argentine State.

The event was held in the context of the visits made by the supreme authority of NASA to this country with the aim of encouraging the international cooperation in the science and space exploration fields, emphasizing the support between NASA and the organizations of our country and signing agreements with the Argentine National Space Activities Commission (CONAE, in Spanish) dependent on the National Department of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services.

Government of the Province of Río Negro