11 June

The Second Conference on Social Responsibility in the town of Bariloche will be held in Edelweiss Hotel (202 San Martín Avenue), on June 13 and 14, 2013. Its motto will be “Developing a different point of view on the state and private organizations in the context of social responsibility”. 

The aim of the conference is to promote the exchange of experiences and to increase public awareness on the importance of supporting local initiatives in the context of social responsibility, as the driving force for regional development.

The following institutions will participate in the conference panels: Under Secretary’s Office of Social Responsibility – national Department of Environment – Department of Economic Development Municipality of San Carlos de Bariloche (MSCB, in Spanish) – National University of Río Negro – Bariloche Group of Waste Disposal – Bariloche Recycling Workers Association – Company Inti Zen of “Gourmet Tea” – North/South Association – Sara María Furman Foundation “Otto Hill Cable Railway” – Río Negro Province Lottery “We all win”.

iconThe Second Conference on Social Responsibility, Bariloche 2013.