6 June

On December 29, the Argentine Air Force (FAA, in Spanish), dependent on the National Ministry of Defense, and INVAP signed two new agreements to provide a new medium-range radar (RAM 2, in Spanish) and update a TPS-43 radar and the MTPS radar prototype. Present at the signing ceremony were Brigadier Enrique Amrein, Chief of the Argentine Air Force, and Engineer Marcelo Basigalup, INVAP’s Deputy General Manager. 

The first project involves the evolution of the Experimental Medium-range Radar (RAME, in Spanish), which has provided the FAA with service since 2011. Changes reflect use experience according to the campaigns conducted with this radar in several areas of our country. 

The aim of the second project is that INVAP updates in detail the TPS-43 and W-430 mobile radars, which have been operating in the Air Force from the 1970s and 1980s respectively. 

Thus, the three mobile radars will contribute to the surveillance and air traffic control in the country, and together with the primary radars (RPA, in Spanish) will play a strategic role during the G-20 Summit in November 2018.

These new agreements are in line with a long period of close cooperation with the FAA in this field. They are important challenges and work providers, and strengthen our position as key technological actor for the needs of our country.