2 January

Professionals from the National Space Activities Commission (CONAE, in Spanish), the National Commission of Atomic Energy (CNEA, in Spanish), and the companies VENG, INVAP and CEATSA/ARSAT concluded in Bariloche the electrical verifications and the mechanical assembly of the SAOCOM 1A, the new Argentine observation satellite developed by the CONAE together with other national organizations and companies.

The “body” of the satellite (the service platform) and its “eyes” (the radar antenna), with which it will observe the earth, are in communication. All the interfaces are correctly connected, in good condition and safe.

After the electrical integration was completed and the communication of the platform with each of the seven panels of the radar antenna was verified, the mechanical assembly of the SAOCOM 1A satellite was concluded. This week, the deployment of the SAR antenna will be tested for the first time, entering the final testing stage of the satellite.

National Space Activities Commission