31 March

On the first anniversary of the death of Cacho Otheguy, a member of the founding group and leader of INVAP, which took place last year in Buenos Aires City, we proudly remember this tireless fighter against mental colonialism, a person of integrity, a doer and an example for many generations.

Cacho was born on April 20, 1947, in Buenos Aires, and graduated with a degree in Physics at Balseiro Institute in San Carlos de Bariloche in 1970. He then obtained a Master’s degree in Science from the Ohio State University, USA, in 1972, and a Master’s degree in Management from the Sloan Fellow Program of the Stanford University, USA, in 1985.

He was a member of INVAP since its foundation in 1976, when he worked on extractive metallurgy. He then served as Technical Assistant Manager, Technical Manager, and from 1991 to 2017, as General Manager of the firm. Since then, he was Chairman of the Board of Directors and of INVAP Foundation since its creation in 2014.

Under his leadership, INVAP grew, developed new capabilities, became an international company and a national model as a synonym of sovereignty. “What is it that goes through and is ever present in every new challenge faced by INVAP?”, asked himself Cacho in the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the company; and his answer was: “Its members: an extraordinary human group made up of people with different skills pursuing a common goal. Furthermore, among our values there are many essential condiments that nourish and encourage us to persist, improve and grow.”

Cacho garnered great affection and admiration over the years. As a proof of this, the company created a year ago an In Memoriam special site inviting people who wish to share a few words in his honor to participate.
Today, more than ever, we value, remember and continue with his legacy demonstrating that it is quite possible to unite in diversity, innovate and conquer the world with our work capacity and Argentine intelligence.