10 December

On December 3, Lic. Héctor Otheguy, President of the Board of Directors of INVAP S.E., was distinguished as one of “The 10 Argentinians of the Year.” The award is given annually by Noticias magazine.

The event, in which the most important Spanish-language magazine awards ten outstanding personalities of the year, was presided over by Edi Zunino, its editor-in-chief, and was held at the Buenos Aires Museum of Latin American Art (MALBA, in Spanish). 

The areas selected for the award were: science, journalism, business, social action, sports, new media, culture, music, politics and television. On this occasion, Delfina Pignatiello (sportswoman), Diego Cabot (journalist), Alexia Rattazzi (child psychiatrist), Luis Pagani (businessman), Lali Espósito (musician), Hecatombe (a group of humorists), Claudia Piñeiro (writer), Carolina Stanley (politician), Miguel Ángel Pichetto (politician) and Carla Petterson (actress) shared the recognition with our President. Besides, Estela de Carlotto received a special recognition for her 35 years of democratic endeavor. 

The award was presented to Lic. Otheguy by Dr. Conrado Varotto, a founding member of INVAP, and Dr. Lino Barañao, National Secretary of Science and Technology.  “To get this recognition is a great joy and I receive it on behalf of the 1,300 people who work at INVAP every day. I also extend my gratitude to our families,” said Otheguy upon receiving the prize. “INVAP is much more than a company, much more than a state-owned company, it is also an example that it is possible to be united in diversity, to innovate and create, to conquer the world with our work capacity and with Argentine intelligence,” he added.