28 February

Today, Tristán Bauer, a renowned Argentine film-maker and Chairman of RTA SE (National Radio & TV Agency), Federico Olivera, vice-manager of National Radio Stations and Carlos Echeverría, Manager of Bariloche’s National Radio Station visited INVAP installations, guided by Mr. Horacio Osuna, INVAP’s Deputy Chairman of the Board and Lic. Ricardo Sagarzazu, Vice Manager of Strategic Developments.

The visitors had the chance to know in detail the different business lines in which the company is currently engaged. In particular, they were interested in the Monopulse Secondary Radars (RMSA) designed and built to control national commercial air traffic and in the ARSAT-1 Satellite Structural and Engineering models.  ARSAT-1 is the first national communications geostationary satellit, designed by INVAP for the National company of Satellite Solutions (AR-SAT), a company dependent from the Federal Planning, Public Investments and Services Ministry.