Training in clinical work, operation, and maintenance of equipment for doctors, technicians, physicists, and engineers

Training programs for professionals

Excellence in training to guarantee quality services.

A crucial aspect of technological advances is the ongoing training and qualification of each professional. INVAP works alongside renowned educational and medical institutions at a national and Latin American level to provide the courses and training for doctors, technicians, physicists, and engineers that are required for our turn-key projects.

The proposed trainings aim at working together with interdisciplinary teams made up of specialists in diagnostic imaging and nuclear medicine, such as radiochemists, medical physicists, engineers, and pharmacists. This provides a wide access to knowledge and ensures a better use of the nuclear medical equipment.

At the same time, all instruction is coordinated with professional hands on training in the facilities of the associated medical institutions.

Main features

Agreements and collaboration with renowned Argentine and Latin American educational and medical institutions.
Training material in accordance with the needs of each client and their medical professionals.
Interdisciplinary teams with the aim of covering all the necessary areas and specialties.
On-site professional practices in state-of-the-art facilities.

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