15 February

On Feb. 13, Mr. Ricardo Patiño, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Integration of Ecuador, presided a meeting with representatives of INVAP S.E. and several state ministers to get acquainted with the different technologies available for Ecuador to buy in the framework of the Basic Agreement on Technical and Scientific Cooperation among both countries.

Present at the meeting were Delegates of the Coordinating Ministry of Knowledge and Human Talent, Coordinator of Strategic sectors, Coordinator of Internal and External Security, Industry and Productivity, Electricity and Renewable Energies and Technical Secretary of International Cooperation.

The Argentine state-owned company presented its offer in radars for the civil aviation, Air Force and Cost Guard vessels; research experimental nuclear reactors that may be acquired by Ecuadorian Universities to develop engineering studies, human talent training, new technologies and applications in the fields of mining, agriculture, medicine and industry.




Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio e Integración | República del Ecuador