10 April

On April 10, the first Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility (RSE, in Spanish): “Tendencies and Integration of the value chain” was carried out at the Auditorium of the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association (AMIA, in Spanish) in Buenos Aires City. It was organized by the Value, RSE + Competitiveness Program implemented by AMIA with the cooperation of the Multilateral Investment Fund (FOMIN, in Spanish) of the Inter-American Development Bank (BID, in Spanish).

INVAP participated as sponsor in this Conference that dealt with the challenges faced by Latin America and Argentina in the light of the global difficulties in managing large companies responsibly, highlighting the importance of creating shared sustainable value with suppliers and customers.

The specialists delivered lectures on subjects considered priorities on the agenda of the worldwide sustainability: RSE and Public Policies, Sustainability’s Global Tendencies, the Latin American Cluster’s Experiences of the BID/FOMIN value chain Programs, Impacts and Cases of the Value Program after four years of implementation, and International Cases of value chain management.

The aims of the conference were to position the “value chain” as a priority on the country’s and companies’ agenda, reflect on the importance of fostering shared values and promote sustainable practices on the part of different social actors.

Among the participants there were company directors and managers, owners and persons in charge of small and medium enterprises (PYMES, in Spanish), leaders of business organizations and the civil society, civil servants, academics, professionals and consultants. All of them were particularly interested in promoting social responsibility and sustainability practices.

Jornada RSE + VALOR – AMIA