28 April

Last April 25, in the context of the Labor Market Integration Program developed by the Students Affairs Office of the Mathematics, Astronomy and Physics School (FaMAF, in Spanish) dependent on the National University of Córdoba, Lic. Julio Bourdin and the Engineer Fabio Bustos talked about: “Working at INVAP (Applied Research Company).” The aim of the meeting was to brief the participants on the projects carried out by the company and the different pieces of work that FaMAF`s graduates do or are able to undertake.

These meetings between different Argentine important companies and institutions have been organized over the last few years since most of the degree courses of FaMAF are in line with the professionals’ profiles required by INVAP, and also thanks to its Labor Market Integration Program that seeks to promote the employability and the labor integration of the institution graduates.

The lecture –that dealt with the activities carried out by INVAP, the performance of its specialists and how they constantly interact, apply their knowledge of mathematics, physics and computing, and highlight the multidisciplinary teamwork– lasted approximately two hours and caught the participants’ interest.

After the talk, the speakers responded to inquiries and emphasized the fact that graduates in degree courses whose most important subjects are mathematics, physics and computing are a must nowadays.

School of Mathematics, Astronomy and Physics