20 April

Today, members of FUNDECE – a Foundation dedicated to Quality and Excellence in Business – visited INVAP. The businessmen were hosted by INVAP authorities and during their visit had the chance to get to know the different projects and business lines of the company, as well as other corporate aspects of INVAP.

FUNDECE (Fundación Empresaria para la Calidad y la Excelencia) introduced in our country a new concept on corporate management back in 1987, when it seemed utopic.

Its members are companies, represented exclusively by their Executive Head, a condition that guarantees the exchange of ideas between businessmen of similar level of decision making.


The Foundation is non-profit organization, open to a wide range of business sectors. It’s formed exclusively by businessmen with a high degree of representativeness, credibility and professionalism.

In order to expand the principles of its mission to all organizational levels, FUNDECE promoted the creation of two institutions: IPACE (Argentine Professional Institute for Quality and Excellence) and the Fundación Premio Nacional a la Calidad (National Quality Awards Foundation), both of them currently lead and coordinated by FUNDECE.

IPACE, formed in 1994, points its activities to management, professional and operative levels, offering an active forum for debate and promoting academic and professional updating activities.

FUNDECE, as a private institution, actively encouraged and participated – together with various public and private proposals – in the process that ended in the approval of Act Nr. 24127/92 that creates the National Quality Awards in Argentina. In order to make the law effective FUNDECE promoted the creation of the National Quality Awards Foundation.

On the other hand, taking into account the growing importance of applying Best Practices in Organizational Governance as a means to increase competitiveness and profits – and because investors, regulatory agencies and legal regulations request so, FUNDECE created, in 2002, the Institute for Organizational Governance IAGO, through an agreement subscribed with IDEA.

The mission of IAGO is to help increase the value of organizations through better governance practices, aligning the interests of all parties involved and providing a place for interaction and dialogue among the members of the different organizations.

