31 March

On Wednesday 30, the Governor of the Province of Río Negro, Lic. Arabela Carreras, accompanied by the Mayor of San Carlos de Bariloche, Engineer Gustavo Genusso, inaugurated infrastructure works at the Bariloche Technological Park (PITBA, in Spanish).

The ceremony was also attended by national, provincial and municipal authorities. Members of the companies that have acquired lots there and representatives of the productive, scientific and technological system of the public and private sectors were also present.

After the inauguration ceremony, it was announced that the main avenue leading to the PITBA gateway will be called Lic. Héctor E. Otheguy, in honor of one of the key members of our company’s founding group. Otheguy was its General Manager for more than 25 years, then, Chairman of the Board of Directors of INVAP S.E. and President of INVAP Foundation.

A tour around the site and the infrastructure works was carried out. During this tour, Governor Carreras and the other authorities were welcomed by Lic. Hugo Albani, Chairman of the Board of Directors of INVAP, and Dr. Vicente Campenni, General Manager, at the machining facility —the first building of what will be the second headquarters of INVAP, located at the PITBA.

Nowadays, the facility houses a Spanish mandrel that will be used in a first stage to manufacture precision components for nuclear projects, in the short term for the RA-10 reactor. This up-to-date automated machine is of great value both because of the technology it employs and its manufacturing capacity.

The Bariloche Technological Park is the result of the firm political decision of the Government of Río Negro and of a fruitful public-private integration, a combination that became an essential driving force to implement this project.