1 December

The IB50K Prizes were awarded today. The contest is organized by Instituto Balseiro and INVAP is one of its sponsors. This time, a project named “Development of a biological insecticide based on entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (Triple B) got the first prize (30.000 US dollars) and the special INTA Award on Biotechnology (5.000 US dollars).

In the second place winner, with a 15.000 US dollars prize, was the Project named Recyclable Snowboards, which was also awarded with a Special Prize by the Argentina Nanotechnology Foundation (FAM) for the best Project in the area (5.000 US dollars). The third place winner, with a 5.000 USD prize, was for Sightnology, a visual rehab device for patients with severe malfunctions, based on embedded biologically-inspired image processing algorithms. 

As in previous editions, the leaders of the six finalist projects made an oral presentation before a Jury. This time, the Jury was chaired by Rubén Oscar Fernández, Engineer, Director of Instituto Balseiro, and formed by Isela Costantini, Chairman and CEO of General Motors in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay; Gustavo Grobocopatel, Director of Bioceres and Chairman of the Los Grobo Group; Laura Pregliasco, Deputy Secretary of Scientific and Technological Research, Director of Technology Transfer at FCEyN and Incubacen-University of Buenos Aires; Néstor Ibelli, Marketing Manager of Banco de la Nación Argentina and Chairman of EMPRETEC and Javier Picco, Chairman of JPA Group.


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