6 June

With great satisfaction and pride, we would like to communicate that on October 22 our province’s legislature approved an initiative to declare Mr. Horacio Osuna Distinguished Citizen of Río Negro. 

The award was promoted by the province’s Vice-governor, Prof. Pedro Pesatti, who claimed to the parliamentary body that Osuna “has promoted, formed and successfully managed at the state-owned company INVAP an exceptional, trustworthy and responsible team of people committed to sustainable innovation, development and progress.”

Horacio was a member of INVAP’s founding group and has been its President through the last years. A chemist at the beginning of his career, in the 1960s he devoted himself to the research and development of strategic nuclear materials for the National Commission of Atomic Energy (CNEA, in Spanish). 

From this highly technical base, he gradually oriented himself towards the management and leadership of large-scale technological projects.

He had a leading role in a project of national and international relevance: the Uranium Enrichment Plant, carried out by INVAP and CNEA during the 1970s and the early 1980s in Pilcaniyeu.

Throughout INVAP’s four decades of existence, Horacio made an invaluable contribution to establish relations with the political leadership at the provincial and national levels, always defending the work of our scientists and technicians.He was also the main promoter of a firm and close cooperation between INVAP and the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs to achieve high value-added exports.

What is more, Horacio is essentially a man who struggled, with very Basque perseverance, for Argentina’s technological development. 

His warm personality and shrewd opinions have earned him the reverential respect of all his colleagues. We can summarize his importance to the company by affirming with total certainty that without Osuna INVAP would have never been the same.

Congratulations, Horacio!

General Management