17 February

San Carlos de Bariloche’s city authorities granted Ingeniería SIMA S.A. and INVAP Ingeniería S.A. the construction license for the compressor plant of the Patagonian gas pipeline, after Public Tender No. 993.10.

EMGASUD, the company in charge of management and consulting, accepted INGENIERIA SIMA S.A. and INVAP INGENIERIA S.A. joint offer for the amount of twenty eight million seven thousand pesos ($ 28.700.000), after considering three other alternative offers.

Patagonian Gas Pipeline is an infrastructure work carried out by the Federal Planning, Public Investments and Services Ministry of Argentina, that will provide natural gas to more that 21.000 families.  It required a global investment of $ 271M, with a total length of aprox. 550 kilometers.

More information: http://www.minplan.gov.ar/html/gasoducto/