14 April

Today, Juan Pablo Ordoñez, INVAP Deputy Manager of Nuclear Projects spoke at the “J.A.Balseiro Colloquium”, which is taking place in memory of the founder of Balseiro Institute.

During his conference, Mr. Ordoñez described the current activities of INVAP and went through its history, making emphasis on the different business areas of the company through its most significant projects. He also stressed the achievements made in the past years thanks to a wide range of projects carried out by the Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investments and Services and other national and international clients.

Juan Pablo Ordoñez graduated in Nuclear Engineer at Instituto Balseiro and holds a Ms. Sc. in Management of Technology from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He works at INVAP since 1981, where he specialized in the design, construction, startup and direction of nuclear reactor projects. 

His first job was as responsible for cold performance tests during the RA-6 startup. Later on, he participated in the design of CAREM Reactor, being one of the patent holders. He was deputy director and director of the project from 1991 till 1997. He was also one of the persons in charge of preparing the tender documentation for a Research Reactor in Australia.

Once the contract was signed, he was deputy director of the Project from 2000 to 2003, and director from 2004 on. Due to this job, he lived in Australia between 2002 and 2006. He is currently Deputy Manager of Nuclear Projects of INVAP.


