28 April

Today, Hamadoun Touré, M. Sc., Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (UIT, in Spanish), dependent on the United Nations Organization, visited INVAP (Applied Research Company). The invitation had been extended by the engineer Ceferino Namuncurá, Inspector of the National Communications Commission (CNC, in Spanish), and Néstor Pablo Togneti, M. Sc., President of the Argentine Company for Satellite Solutions AR?SAT S.A., on behalf of the National Department of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services (MINPLAN, in Spanish), during the fifth Conference of the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL, in Spanish), held in Mexico City. 

During his visit to INVAP, Dr. Touré was accompanied by the aforementioned Namuncurá and Tognetti, as well as by the Regional Director of UIT for South America, Sergio Scarabino, Ph. D., members of the Board of Directors of ARSAT S.A., the President of the Board of Directors of INVAP, Carlos Fernández, M. Sc., its Vicepresident, Horacio Osuna and its General Manager, Héctor Otheguy, M. Sc.

While touring INVAP’s installations, the visitors had the chance to know in detail the business guidelines followed nowadays by the Province of Río Negro’s company. The officials were especially interested in the first Argentine geostationary satellites for telecommunications designed and built by INVAP for AR-SAT S.A., aimed to make use of the orbital positions allocated by UIT to our country. These satellites will allow the national Government to exploit a strategic resource able to generate a genuine income by providing high value-added telephone, data, Internet and TV services.

In addition, in the context of the 2011 Telecommunications Forum “Argentina Connected” organized by MINPLAN in the City of Buenos Aires, Dr. Touré had already emphasized yesterday that the success of the project carried out by AR-SAT “will confirm that developing countries such as Argentina have the needed knowledge to be on an equal footing with more developed countries as regards the technological market”.

+INFO: Department of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services


Video, source: CN23