7 October

On October 6th, the Minister of Federal Planning, Public Investments and Services, Mr. Julio De Vido, formally implemented three digital TV stations located at Santiago del Estero, Santa Rosa and Santo Tomé. 

Altogether, the stations sum 27 antennas, covering 50% of the Argentine territory and reaching more  than one million users in different areas of the provinces of Santiago del Estero, La Pampa and Santa Fe that will be able to receive free TV signal.

The videoconference launching event was also attended by INVAP General Manager and CEO, Mr. Héctor E. Otheguy, Mr. Oscar M. Jorge, Governor of La Pampa, and Mr. Raúl Ortiz, Secretary General of La Pampa’s Government, who inaugurated Santa Rosa’s Terrestrial Digital Station.  Six NGO received digital decoders during the ceremony.

On its hand, Mr. Luis Vitullo, Executive Secretary of the Consultancy Council of the Argentine Digital Terrestrial Television System (SATVD-T), handed over the 1000th decoder for educational centers to the authorities of a public school in La Matanza, province of Buenos Aires.



Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services  
