19 June

Today, the National University of Tucuman (UNT) and INVAP signed a professional and academic cooperation agreement.

The ceremony took place at the Eugenio Flavio Virla Cultural Center in San Miguel de Tucumán and had the participation of the UNT Rector, Mr. Juan Alberto Cerisola, the Vice-rector, Mrs. Alicia Bardón, the Dean of the Faculty of Exact Sciences and Technology, Mr. Sergio Pagani and INVAP General Manager and CEO, Mr. Héctor Otheguy.  

Rector Cerisola pointed out that the tasks entrusted to the Exact Sciences Faculty by INVAP are “a clear simple of the relevance that the contribution of our researchers has for the company. As of this agreement, we will seek to ensure the work of more students and teachers in the company and at the same time we will offer training for the company’s personnel.”

On his part, Mr. Otheguy – declared distinguished visitor – stated that the agreement enhances a long term relationship between both institutions and that – in this first stage – the company will seek cooperation of the UNT in the area of radio frequency electronics.


News UNT